Finding Your Selfish Space


Finding Your Selfish Space

March 5, 2023


3 min read

Do you take the time to actually find a quiet space in your head? When you are only thinking about YOU. Does this sound selfish? This is exactly how I was feeling this weekend-VERY SELFISH, when I took time away from everything else in my life to be with myself.

We are all role models in some capacity, whether it is within our families, professionally, or within our circle of friends. We come across situations when we need to step up and be that role model for someone else, and times when we need to take a backseat and be led.

I noticed that I have a hard time giving back to myself. I am always there for others, and tend to drain myself completely before I crash. I know this is unhealthy. It is something that I have been struggling with for as long as I can remember and am still working on.

But this weekend I kept all the time I had for myself. I felt pretty guilty as this is when I normally spend the most time with friends and family. That’s a whole conversation by itself. But I decided it was my time to just be with myself. As I was sitting around, being in my space, I was able to ask myself how I was feeling. It allowed me to acknowledge where I was in my own space. I had the opportunity to reflect on my relationships. Were they benefiting me in a positive way? Was I benefiting them in a positive way?

It can be difficult to create space for yourself and at times, hard to do consistently. But the benefits far outweigh the hindrances. I get a better relationship with myself which, in turn, allows me to be better in all the spheres of my life - my profession, my family, and have better mental clarity. By allowing yourself to sit in a quiet space, you allow some of the most amazing ideas to come to you. You give yourself a place where you can be vulnerable and honest with yourself. If we cannot grow within ourselves, how can we guide others?

Find some time, listen to your favorite songs, eat your favorite food, take a walk around the block, read a book, or take a nap. Do whatever you feel like in your selfish space. Take care of yourself. Because your selfish space can be an insightful place.

Did you find my article “Finding Your Selfish Space” helpful or know somebody who would? I’d really love it if you could share it.


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