Wear Your Sunscreen Every Day-Importance and Benefits of Using Sunscreen


Wear Your Sunscreen Every Day-Importance and Benefits of Using Sunscreen

May 28, 2022


5 min read

Dermatologists always recommend that patients wear sunscreen every day or sun protection clothing that carry a rating of SPF 30 or higher. It is important to wear sunscreen every day.…

3 Tips to Restore and Maintain Your Skin’s Microbiome


3 Tips to Restore and Maintain Your Skin’s Microbiome

March 13, 2022


4 min read

The gut microbiome and the skin microbiome have similarities and yet they are quite different. You can kickstart your journey to healthy beautiful skin by making changes today to get…

The ABCs of skincare


The ABCs of skincare

April 20, 2021


5 min read

The basics of dermatology are based on the ABCs of skincare.

Skincare in PCOS: Why it is important and what you need to do to get a clear, glowing complexion


Skincare in PCOS: Why it is important and what you need to do to get a clear, glowing complexion

March 15, 2021


6 min read

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which there is imbalance in a woman's levels of sex hormones - estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.